Introducing SPORT BIGS™, the first of its kind sports action plush toys. SPORT BIGS are about more than playtime. They’re about embracing your power as an individual and as an athlete.
They’re about reflecting awesome girls and women who are claiming their space - on the field, in the classroom, and in the boardroom. Who aren’t afraid to be BIG in mind, body, and spirit. To play BIG. Think BIG. Dream BIG. And literally, change the face of sports.
It’s about time the girls and women who were born to be athletes, and who continue to fight for their worth and place in sports media, have something like SPORT BIGS in their lives. Because frankly, it’s time to Go BIG or Go Home.
About the Founder
Pam Kosanke is Sport Bigs’ visionary, multi-sport Team USA member and 6x competitor in world championships in softball, rugby, and long-distance aquabike. Sports made her the confident, competitive, and accomplished leader that she is today. But as a young athlete, she couldn’t find any sports toys modeled after women.
Today, it gives her so much joy to partner with the world’s best athletes to help every child learn about hard work and the relentless pursuit of their dreams. As a mom to an 11-year-old boy, this idea hits home and has given Pam even more inspiration to make a Big impact.
One of Pam’s coaches used to tell her that her job as a captain was to make everyone around her play better. She takes that to heart in everything she does, and we hope Sport Bigs teaches you to do the same. Go BIG!